Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Immigration: Which side really is racist?

Most people agree, illegal immigration is increasing at top speeds, and things are not working the way they are. The Left accuses those who are against amnesty plans as being racist. Perhaps some are, but I would offer that allowing illegal immigration to continue unchecked is racist. If I were from overseas, I would be offended that Latin Americans are given special treatment by being allowed to come in so freely, and that the laws are enforced for me and not for them. People in favor of amnesty are basically spitting in the face of any other race that would wish to come to the US. They are giving special treatment to some, based solely on their location and race. We should think about the message we are sending to those who wish to come here from countries other than those in Latin America. If we give them special treatment through amnesty, either by law or simply by ignoring that they are here, we are committing a clear act of racism.